The Bible Wedding Bouquet
Since we are not all savvy flower experts it can be challenging to decide on the perfect flowers for your wedding day bouquet. Aside from your gown, the wedding bouquet is the next most important bridal accessory! So there are many things to consider when choosing wedding flowers, but please remember that at the end it is your choice and it’s about what you like, so take your time and have fun with it!
First, familiarize yourself with the types of flowers commonly available and often used to make incredible bridal bouquets. This is definitely not a comprehensive list, but it's a great start.
Next, after choosing (or while choosing) your florist, you can ask about what's in season and what are the regional favorites. Whether your goal is to save money, match your wedding colors, or to celebrate a specific wedding theme, it's wise to plan around both your florist's capabilities and your desires.
For instance, if you're planning a destination wedding in Florence and plan to have a traditional Italian wedding, you may choose a simple bouquet of peach and/or white roses. However, peonies and orchids are also popular. A less traditional, but still a special nod to the Tuscan sun is to choose sunflowers, a symbol of Italy's sun and country. And being that Italy is the second largest flower producing country in Europe, your choices are almost unlimited, depending on the region and season!
Another consideration for just what type of flower you'll choose is how you wish for them to be arranged. Aside from what elements like twine or ribbon will hold your bouquet together, you should look at this comprehensive bouquet glossary and decide what you feel most drawn to and comfortable carrying.
And finally, below you'll find some colorful and artistic examples of the best and most popular flowers mix and matched for bridal bouquets. Flowers are literally turned into moving pieces of artwork, catching the eye of everyone as you walk down the aisle, and forever captured by your wedding photographer. You will not regret choosing just the perfect flowers and the perfect combination for your wedding day!